Experience a New Level of Sophistication

We believe that beauty starts with your inner health and happiness, so we make sure that all our treatments are soothing and relaxing, healthy and nourishing to both you and your hair.

Kate Gornakova started her hair science journey more than 16 years ago and is regarded as one of the most skilled trichologists and experts in cosmetic chemistry. Fascinated with the science of hair, Kate continuously updates her skills and knowledge in the field, keeping on top of the latest discoveries. Her dedication to her craft is unparalleled in Australia.

Ten years ago, Kate established the Gorjes You Eco Salon to offer her extensive expertise in hair care to her clients, with a focus on holistic hair treatments, styling, and enhancing hair beauty. 

Running her own cosmetic laboratory to research and develop advanced hair care products, Kate launched her own line of hair care products in 2019: GORJES ME.

Kate has combined this advanced hair science together with the deepest relaxation rituals from traditional Japan and sculpted these into one thoroughly relaxing hair-and-soul-nourishing experience that leaves the recipient floating, glowing and gorgeous.

Glorious | Glamorous | Gorgeous

Radiant beauty shines from within.

Step into a sanctuary of self-love and rejuvenation, where every touch is infused with care and love.. every visit feels like coming home. Experience the heartfelt embrace of a sanctuary, where warmth and tranquility await.